Monday, July 30, 2007

The Clock Strikes 2!

Since my last post, death has struck two fish down in there prime. Both due to my error. I feel sorry for the little guys. One was the Oranda of the previous post. He made it a day or two after posting and then had a flushing party. Words were said over the bowl, it was a beautiful ceremony. Then Friday I was cleaning the filters in the pond and didn't notice a nosy little comet decided to get down in the filter with the pump. Sunday when I cleaned the filter, there was the little comet all pasty and stinky. He got thrown in the ditch. He was a little big to flush. I hope that the ole grim reaper is gone for now but they say it happens it threes. I wonder who is next?????

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

All OK but 1

All my fishies are doing OK except one. An Oranda that has been seen laying at the bottom of the tank and sometimes upside down. I have treated these fish with everything I know to keep them alive. I am not sure what will come from today. The tank is in Yuris room so I dont dare turn on the light an inspect what has happened in the morning. I just have to wait until I get home to check out how they are all doing. I hope my poor little Bubble Head makes it....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sickly Fishies

A couple of weeks ago one of my fish that has bug eyes looked like one of his eyes was a little larger than the other. I kept an eye on him (No pun intended) and in a couple of days it was really noticeably bigger and with investigation and Googling told me he suffered from an infection called Popeye. That night I made a run to the store to get a remedy for my ailing fish and cooped him up and placed him in the aquarium where I will treat him and his tank mates. After a full week of the remedy, I still don't notice an improvement but I think it has stopped getting worse. Hopefully time will tell if his eye will go back to normal. While this was going on we decided to put the tank in Yuri's room. So we drained the tank about 2/3 rds empty and moved the tank. I filled the tank half way full and let it set about an hour with the aerator running to help get rid of the chlorine in the water. Then I filled the tank up and finally found my chemical dechlorinator and added it in. I noticed the fish acting lethargic and sleepy but it is darker in his room than where it normally sat. After a day I could tell the fish were obviously stressed big time. They lay at the bottom of the tank barely moving there gills to breath. I started to notice little white dots on the Black moor Goldfish aka Bo Bo. I quickly went over to my Mom in laws house and got her Ick remedy and added to the tank as well as adding the Popeye remedy to help with any other baddies in the tank. Yesterday morning the tank was still with stressed out fishies but by time I got home last night the fishes looked like they where back to normal. Unfortunately the stress has reeked havoc with the Orandas fins. Hopefully in time she will look back to normal again. I feel so bad for what these little fish have gone through.

Gettin around to Postin

I am finally going to post my review on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I was a pretty good movie. It was long and if they put every aspect of the book into this movie it would have been about another hour and a half tacked on to it. Most things were pretty well as the book describes so I will give it 4 and a half stars out of 5. I think the way they did the dementors in this movie is a lot more creepier. I have mixed feelings about seeing the next movie and I know that Brando is anxiously awaiting this weekend where she will pick up her book at a Harry Potter party at midnight. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Addictions

A couple of guys at work are playing World of Warcraft. Since December of last year our days have been filled with talkings and goings on in the WOW world. Clod started as I said last December while Skeeter held out until May. I am the last hold out to cave because I started last night. It is highly addictive and I can see how people can get obsessed with the game. I worked late last night so I got a late start. I got on basically as soon as I got home and stayed on till 11:30 pm. I didn't sleep to well thinking about how to play the game and I hope this game does not ruin the rest of the summer. I really like to play but I can see where if I don't play in moderation it will cause problems. I recommend this game but only if you don't have a addictive personality.

Also I am really excited about tonight. Tonight Brando, Hope, Clod, Yuri and I will be going to see the new Harry Potter movie. I cant wait. I am so glad that Brando asked her mom to watch Yin so we can go out for the evening. I will make sure and give a review of the movie in the next posts.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dumber than dirt

I cant believe how unbelievably stupid I am. Our pool has been running a bit high in Ph so I purchased some Ph minus to bring down the alkalinity. I tested the pool and also noticed the chlorine level was low too. So to kill one pool owner with one bottle I decided to put the two in one bottle and add to the pool water. I added water and shook the bottle and poured the contents into the pool. With quit a bit of powdery residue in the bottom of the container I repeated by filling with water and capping and a vigorous shake and pour. On the third time I must have finally got the chlorine and the Ph minus powder to mix because the bottle started to swell and heat up quickly. I started to uncap the bottle but it started to spew. I held the bottle under the water level and loosened the cap and it just about exploded in my hands releasing a cloud of vapor that burned my lungs and took my breath away. I rinsed the last of the toxic mixture into the pool and capped the clean bottle when I noticed my arms starting to burn. I quickly washed the chlorine and Ph minus (acid) mixture from my arms. After coughing like I had just smoked a cigarette store, I sat by the pond and pondered what a dumb ass I was. After I caught my breath and my lungs didn't quite burn so much I walked into the garage to look at the container. It says in BIG print "DON'T MIX WITH ANY OTHER POOL CHEMICALS!!!" Like I said I am a complete dumb ass. It has been about two hours since my exposure and my lungs and throat still burn a bit. I told Brando if I don't make it thought the night make sure and write on my grave marker, "Died being a dumb ass!" I think it would be fitting. Everyone in Blogger land dont worry about me, I am sure I will go out in an even dumber way than this.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Transformers Trailer

Just saw it and I must say that it was pretty good. I was a little too busy to follow in parts and sometimes I was confused about which bot was good and which was bad but I would give it a high 4 out of 5.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Big Bangin Weekend

(Heres a picture of the Fireworks from my camera.....Just kiddin I borrowed the picture from Google.)

Since my last post, alot of things have happened in my life. Here are just the major ones.

1. My mom in law broke her arm trying to help hold a horse steady.

2. My parents came up to visit us for fire works.

3. My cousins and there better halves came up to visit for fire works.

4. My aunt and uncle came up to visit for fire works.

5. My brother and I got a year older.

6. We put 6 new fish in the pond.

I must say that I dont think I could have had a more pleasant weekend than we had. The only way it could have been better is if it was longer. I am really glad that Bean Boy, Mrs Bean Boy, Cynical, Ragged, Aunt R, Uncle A and of course my parents was able to make it up to visit on such a wonderful holiday. I hope everyone went home with a full belly and hoping to make it back up North soon. We will try to make it Southways as soon as we can.