I cant believe how unbelievably stupid I am. Our pool has been running a bit high in
Ph so I purchased some
Ph minus to bring down the alkalinity. I tested the pool and also noticed the chlorine level was low too. So to kill one pool owner with one bottle I decided to put the two in one bottle and add to the pool water. I added water and shook the bottle and poured the contents into the pool. With quit a bit of powdery residue in the bottom of the container I repeated by filling with water and capping and a
vigorous shake and pour. On the third time I must have finally got the chlorine and the
Ph minus powder to mix because the bottle started to swell and heat up quickly. I started to uncap the bottle but it started to spew. I held the bottle under the water level and loosened the cap and it just about exploded in my hands releasing a cloud of vapor that burned my lungs and took my breath away. I rinsed the last of the toxic mixture into the pool and capped the clean bottle when I noticed my arms starting to burn. I quickly washed the chlorine and
Ph minus (acid) mixture from my arms. After coughing like I had just smoked a
cigarette store, I sat by the pond and pondered what a
dumb ass I was. After I caught my breath and my lungs
didn't quite burn so much I walked into the garage to look at the container. It says in BIG print "
DON'T MIX WITH ANY OTHER POOL CHEMICALS!!!" Like I said I am a complete dumb ass. It has been about two hours since my exposure and my lungs and
throat still burn a bit. I told Brando if I
don't make it thought the night make sure and write on my grave marker, "Died being a
dumb ass!" I think it would be fitting. Everyone in Blogger land dont worry about me, I am sure I will go out in an even dumber way than this.