Monday, November 24, 2008

Gettin Ready 4 Turkey N Tucky

I am gettin ready for turkey n Tucky. I cant wait to get down there and fill my guts till I feel like a sploded opossum on the side of the road. (What did you say? I spelled opossum correctly?... Of coarse what do you think I am?...A barbarian?) I usually stop just before my jeans button is about to pop. Who knows this year I could be convicted of wreckless homicide if the rivet was to let go and someone is in the line of fire.

When I get down there I will be in full on consume mode and the women and children best just skinny on out the back if they know whats good for them. I luvs me some turkey and fixins like a fat kid luvs cake. Anyone caught in the onslaught should just drag their wounded bodies to the side of the room and assume the tornado position just in case a fork goes flyin.

Yeah you don't get this manly physique overnight. It takes years of commitment and dedication and a pinch of gluttony. We are packing the hand truck with us and taking the seats out of the van so Brando will have a place to stick me and wont have to roll me out to the van like a butterball turkey. Mmmmm turkey..... Sorry I digest...

I hope that everyone can have a belly busting and relaxing turkey day.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Yesterday my little girls set a new aahh yard record for our house but still an impressive feat none the less. I got 8 eggs out of 8 chickens. Did I hear someone yell bullshit? No I promise you that is what happened because the night before I forgot to get the eggs at the normal time and it was waaaaay after dark and when I got them they were all nice and cold from not being sat on for a while. So I am sure there were no eggs left from the day before. I am proud of the girls for stepping up to get this achievement that is something to crow about. So far the lights have seemed to work. I have a 40 watt light in the coop and Christmas lights strung around the bottom so were ever they are bombarded by some light to help them lay. I have the lights on a timer so they do get dark for sleepy time but with the days getting short and the nights getting long every little bit helps. It causes havoc on the egg laying. Scientist have even tested the effects of light on blind chickens and it will even improve egg laying with them also. It is said that the light rays, specifically the red spectrum, is absorbed through their skull to their brain to stimulate egg production. WHOD A THUNK IT???

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Busy weekend

This weekend we worked harder than we have for months. Here is a list of the stuff we did:

1. Changed oil in work car
2. Changed oil in Brandos van
3. Winterized the camper
4. Blew the leaves in the front ditch
5. Burned said leaves
6. Cleaned garage
7. Took stuff to storage bay
8. Cleaned Chicken house
9. Moved rabbits
10. Built nesting boxes for rabbits
11. Sealed up vents under the house for winter
12. Used bail of hay for wind brake for dog house
13. Put hay in dogs house.

I had to get back to work for a rest. We got allot done. I cleaned the gutters and pruned and netted the pond earlier in the week for winter also. My lawn mower needs a battery but I think that I will wait till spring. Also after mulching up about a ton of leaves I notices grass sticking out of the mower deck. Upon closer inspection I see that there is rust holes in the deck. As I clean out the deck a bit I realize that there are several large holes in the deck. I guess that I will have to get someone to weld some plate over the holes cause Brando already said that I aint getting a new mower.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Today I came out of the house to a flat tire. I screamed, "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!" Next I went to the gas station to fill up and had to wait for a pump. Once again I yelled, "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!" Then, on the way to work, I almost hit a deer crossing the rode. "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!!" After finally arriving at work from all this, I find out that half the parking lot in closed and the other half is full. What did I say you might ask yourself? You guessed it. "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!!!"

I don't really blame him for all of this. I don't think he had anything to do with the deer. Its just kinda fun to say and I will thoroughly enjoy saying it for the next 4 years......Who knows?...Maybe 8.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


We finally got everything cleared out of the yard about 6:30 last night and man were we pooped. The only brake we took was when we made a run to Taco Bell about 1 oclock to get re-energized. The brake helped because we were really dragging. My brother-in-law picked a bad time to visit because while I hooked up the horse trailer he helped Brando take down the mausoleum. After pulling in the drive way we had it loaded in record time and my bro-in-law even followed us out to the storage bay to unload all the decorations. Thanks to anyone and everyone who helped get everything put up and tore down. Hope to have the energy to get it put all back up next year. I have 363 days to recoop. Wish me luck.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

That Was Halloween

Halloween once again has come and gone. All their is left is the putting all the stuff away. Some people might call it crap but I call it......well at this point, crap. I am not looking forward to getting all this stuff crammed in the garage. Oh well it has to be done might as well grin and bare it.

We had 90 TOTS last night which was a bit low but il take it. The highest we have had was 126 in the past but as Pilot said the two neighboring towns had TOT on the same night. We had a few new faces this year and a few we expected to come didnt show. Halloween in a busy time when you have a child and all the family expects you to make the rounds to their house.

All in all I think the night turned out pretty well. Mort only made one person jump in the ditch this year so he did his job. I only had one kid cry slightly and most came up to the porch. Kids are either getting braver or dumber. I hope not the latter. I hope everyone had a good time last night in whatever you did. And to all..........