As you can tell by the heading and by Brando's blog, we had pee pee in the potty last night. I was so excited I could just......well......pee. I think my little Yin is growing up to be a big girl. We have made one gianormous leap for Pampers kind. Brando has been working on and off with her so she can determine when she was ready for the next step. Brando is the best Mom because she is so intuitive for what Yin and our family needs. I would like for everyone to stand up and give Yin and Brando a round of applause for there efforts in making this dream a reality. Keep up the good work. I know that we are going to have a few accidents but they are not anything we haven't seen before.
(Rudy stands and claps for Yin and Brando.) #############################################################
Okay now my hands hurt and I will end this blog. I hope everyone will have a nice weekend and enjoy the fact that warmer weather is on its way. Hang in there everyone Spring is around the corner.
Thanks ;)
Give me a "P". Give me an "E". Gibe me a another "E". Whats that spell. Congrates Yin and Brando!
PS: those hands creep me out.
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