Thursday, February 08, 2007

Entertainment Hogs

We have them!... What are them you might ask. Them are Entertainment Hogs. They are a nasty little creature that are very pesky to get rid of. If you can find anything to do on a cold winters night and all the resources are tied up then you have an Entertainment Hog. I walk into the living room where the PVR is recording CSI for someone. Lets call her Lando just for shits and giggles. Then I walk to the phone. It says the line is in use. I walk into the bedroom and there is Lando laying on the bed with the phone to her ear. Then I think I might watch TV in the bedroom but NOoooo.... Lando is watching Greys Anatomy and that is the only other TV that I could possibly use in the house. Sooooo I think I might use the lap top in the comfort of my own chair in the living room so I can relax. I walk to where the lap top is normaly plugged in and find just the charger cord. Wheeling around and looking into the bed room I see Lando with the lap top on her stomach and the phone to her ear watching her Greys Anatomy. What does she expect me to do on a cold winters night???? Read a book???? Oh well, my final option was to go into Yuris room and use the desk top that may or maynot have the internet signal to type this blog. If you get an Entertainment Hog in your house you better call the exterminator.


Brando said...

Do you want some WHINE with that Cheese???

Brando said...

Cry, Cry Baby....

Brando said...

It's my party and I'll Cry if I want to...

Brando said...

"I want my, I want my mTV "... Boo HOoo...

Brando said...

Hey! You DD is saying nite nite put her to bed THAT entertaining.

Brando said...

I cannot take one more episode of FUTURE WEAPONS or I may become a WMD- You know what WMD's are right? Clearly your president doesn't... HEE HEE HEE..

Brando said...

Note to anyone who might see me tomorrow. I may have deserved that black eye.

Brando said...

HHHMmmm... Lando rocks!!! I was the owner and operator of the city in the clowds. Until Vader showed up.

Brando said...

Cold winters night how about that song "OLD MAN SOMETHING... aka STOKE ME Stoke me..."

Rudy said...

Bang Zooom to the mood Lando.

Hope said...

Oh, Brando, you so funny....

BTW Rudy: do you need me to send some books to your house? Shall I sent the kind that Brando likes?

Brando said...

I mean Stroke me Stroke me... Sorry people were dying on Grey's and I can't do too many things at the same time.

Brando said...


Rudy cannot read. I am not sure how he does this blog thing, but I think "deam people type it"

He need to learn he would LOVE trashy romance.

Brando said...


Brando said...

"She'll Fly apart Captain!"

Brando said...

"Number one can I SEE you in my READY room"

Brando said...

I don't know why you are crying Rudy. I left the battery at 10%.

Brando said...

Well HELL now I missed the end of my shows. Good thing I recorded them both so now we can watch them AGAIN!!!

Brando said...

Over and OUT!

Rudy said...

Thanks for the offer Hope but I am sure that if I WAS interested in the book she would snatch it outta my hands. Shes mean that way.

Rudy said...

HAAAAA HAAAA She missed the ending of her show and I just erased it. heeeee Heeee hawwwww

Rudy said...

It was a crappy show anyhow.

Brando said...

Does it have picture Hope??? Cause he really needs pictures.

Brando said...

Yes, I would snatch it out of your hands. It is all 50/50 in this marriage. You give 50. I TAKE 50!

Rudy said...

I think the guys on there should be called Mc Crappy and Mc Genital Wart. If they could afford good actors maybe the show would be ok.

Brando said...

Rudy will have a black eye if he earsed the end of my show!

Rudy said...

Ive seen better acting on an episode of Barney.

Brando said...

NO one calls my Guys MCCrappy! Wait till Ragged sees that one. She is going to bring the smack to you!

Brando said...

The reason YOU like Barney is becuase those are the only songs that you can learn the words too.

Rudy said...
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Brando said...

Thank you, Thank you, You've been a great audience.

Rudy said...

I am sorry I should have called them Mc Shitty and Crappy Crappy Doo Head.

Brando said...
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Brando said...

I am so going to KICK you A$$!

Brando said...

Who needs Dr. Phil when you have Blog therapy?

Rudy said...

I hope you can read brail because its awful hard to read your books with two eyes swollen shut.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I had a small amount of pity for Rudy until he trash my Mcguys.

A girl needs her connectivity.

BTW: this was toooo funny.

Brando said...

Public Service Announcment---

For anyone who may read this and not know our sense of humor. Well. I only have one black eye today. :) I WUB WUB WUB my Rudy!

Rudy said...

I hope everyone enjoyed the posts. I had as much fun typing them as I did reading Brando's..Um I mean Lando's. I love my Brando and her funny since of humor. Big hugs and kisses.

FarmWife said...

Ahh, marital bliss! Needles was right. Ya'll are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!