Sunday, February 25, 2007
Back to work
After feeling under the weather for the last few days, it is almost time to go back to work. I am dreading it. I feel alot better but still not 100%. Hope this gloomy weather blows on by and it will get nicer outside. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Back again
We got home around noon and was happy to see our little munchkins. By the look in there eyes, they were happy to see us also.
We spent the night at the Casino Aztar Hotel and spent some money to help out the poor gambling boat. Alot of the people in the shop met at Corkys Bar B Que and ate together. I think the group liked this place. The food is pretty good and is not really outrageously priced. The ribs are good but dont hold a candle to the Trace Inn. We then broke up to go our seperate ways.
Brando and I went shopping and asked if Mei Mei's mommy and daddy wanted to come along and they did. We had a pretty good time. We then got back to the Casino and got our cards to gamble. I blew my 20 in a matter of a few minutes how ever Mei Mei's mommy and daddy did rather well. I know they won over $250. Its a good day when you can walk off the boat ahead.
We arrived back at the hotel room at 10:30 smelling like a couple of ash trays and had to immediately shower the stink off of us. Brando went to bed pretty quick while I stayed up to watch Star Trek: TOS. I was rendered speechless while watching my old favorite. They have totally redone the space scenes on the episode I was watching, which was the Doomsday Machine. It didnt look quite right. The shuttle craft looked less hoaky and not like it was on strings. Then when the Doomsday Machine was killed and a shock way eminated from its mouth, I knew someone had done some editing. It felt like I had been betrayed by and old friend. I was a little angry but again felt like it was a bit better.
We had Breakfast the next morning and went to a couple of stores before we headed home. All in all it was a fun but tireing weekend.
We spent the night at the Casino Aztar Hotel and spent some money to help out the poor gambling boat. Alot of the people in the shop met at Corkys Bar B Que and ate together. I think the group liked this place. The food is pretty good and is not really outrageously priced. The ribs are good but dont hold a candle to the Trace Inn. We then broke up to go our seperate ways.
Brando and I went shopping and asked if Mei Mei's mommy and daddy wanted to come along and they did. We had a pretty good time. We then got back to the Casino and got our cards to gamble. I blew my 20 in a matter of a few minutes how ever Mei Mei's mommy and daddy did rather well. I know they won over $250. Its a good day when you can walk off the boat ahead.
We arrived back at the hotel room at 10:30 smelling like a couple of ash trays and had to immediately shower the stink off of us. Brando went to bed pretty quick while I stayed up to watch Star Trek: TOS. I was rendered speechless while watching my old favorite. They have totally redone the space scenes on the episode I was watching, which was the Doomsday Machine. It didnt look quite right. The shuttle craft looked less hoaky and not like it was on strings. Then when the Doomsday Machine was killed and a shock way eminated from its mouth, I knew someone had done some editing. It felt like I had been betrayed by and old friend. I was a little angry but again felt like it was a bit better.
We had Breakfast the next morning and went to a couple of stores before we headed home. All in all it was a fun but tireing weekend.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Pee Pee!....PEEEE PEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

As you can tell by the heading and by Brando's blog, we had pee pee in the potty last night. I was so excited I could just......well......pee. I think my little Yin is growing up to be a big girl. We have made one gianormous leap for Pampers kind. Brando has been working on and off with her so she can determine when she was ready for the next step. Brando is the best Mom because she is so intuitive for what Yin and our family needs. I would like for everyone to stand up and give Yin and Brando a round of applause for there efforts in making this dream a reality. Keep up the good work. I know that we are going to have a few accidents but they are not anything we haven't seen before.
(Rudy stands and claps for Yin and Brando.) #############################################################
Okay now my hands hurt and I will end this blog. I hope everyone will have a nice weekend and enjoy the fact that warmer weather is on its way. Hang in there everyone Spring is around the corner.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
I would like to wish my blogger family Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you get a little something for your special someone and you receive something in return. This weekend, we are planning on going to the Casino Aztar and spend the night for a Sweetheart weekend. We went last year and had a good time. What are you doing for that special someone?
Friday, February 09, 2007
Tomorrow Is My Birthday
Tomorrow will be my Blogger Birthday. I will have been blogging for 1 whole year. Sometimes I have been an avid blogger while others I have dropped off a bit. However I hope everyone has enjoyed the half baked posts and I want to say thank you to all the people who have commented. Even when my post made no since what so ever. Thanks again.
Happy Blog Day to me... Happy Blog Day to me... Happy Blog Day dear Rudy..... Happy Blog Day to Me...........
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Entertainment Hogs

We have them!... What are them you might ask. Them are Entertainment Hogs. They are a nasty little creature that are very pesky to get rid of. If you can find anything to do on a cold winters night and all the resources are tied up then you have an Entertainment Hog. I walk into the living room where the PVR is recording CSI for someone. Lets call her Lando just for shits and giggles. Then I walk to the phone. It says the line is in use. I walk into the bedroom and there is Lando laying on the bed with the phone to her ear. Then I think I might watch TV in the bedroom but NOoooo.... Lando is watching Greys Anatomy and that is the only other TV that I could possibly use in the house. Sooooo I think I might use the lap top in the comfort of my own chair in the living room so I can relax. I walk to where the lap top is normaly plugged in and find just the charger cord. Wheeling around and looking into the bed room I see Lando with the lap top on her stomach and the phone to her ear watching her Greys Anatomy. What does she expect me to do on a cold winters night???? Read a book???? Oh well, my final option was to go into Yuris room and use the desk top that may or maynot have the internet signal to type this blog. If you get an Entertainment Hog in your house you better call the exterminator.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Shoo Tired
We didnt sleep very well last night. Yin decided at 12:30 am it was time to get up and play. After we layed her back down she got up every hour on the hour asking from everything from juice to watching the Wiggles on her T.V. in her room. Finally we were tired of her comming into our room so we shut our door. That is when she proceded to walk back and forth infront of our room knocking on the door as she walked by. I finally had enough and carried her into her room and said if she gets off that bed I was going to spank her. She gave me her usual OK and I went to bed. This was at 7 oclock in the morning. At 8:30 my eyes couldnt stay shut anymore so we got up and I wondered where Yin was. She was sound asleep in her bed. I said HELL NO. So I went into her room and made her get up. She was really cranky. So now we are walking around like the living dead awaiting the start of the Super Bowl. Then at about 2 oclock in the after noon the power goes out. We fire up the battery operated radio to find almost the whole county is without power that has Amerin CIPS. But the good news was that they hoped to have it back up at 4 to 4:30. They got it going just before 4 and we were happy campers. Now I am setting here watching the Super Bowl post game show wondering if the Bears should have even showed up at all. Oh well maybe next year.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Cold cold cold cold GHD

Today was a cold cold cold cold Groundhogs Day. While we ate at the chinese restaraunt, my son Yuri informed me that the groundhog did NOT see his shadow today and spring was just around the corner. I looked at him in disbelief. I said, "Are you serious?" He and Brando nodded. I nearly jumped up and down for joy. Even though I dont put alot of faith in a rat seeing his shadow to predict the weather. I dont think I have ever heard them say the he did NOT see his shadow. Happy Groundhog Day everyone.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Back from the Black

I finally feel like things are starting to let up a little at work. I feel a little back to normal. Hopefully things will go better this year. Sometimes its something special to help raise your spirits and get your head back where it needs to be, even if its colder than a well diggers buttocks outside. Hope everyone else is staying warm.
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