Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cant Sleep

I am all keyed up on this patio project. I spent the night before the pour going over everything in my brain to keep from botching it. I have slept pretty well since then until now. I have tossed and turned and decided it was not happening at around 3 a.m. I have surfed Lowes web site and googled this super secret side project to make sure that I dont mess it up but with no sleep I think it may be doomed. (Brando will probably spill the beans in her next post.) This remindes me of Halloween time when I dont sleep for thinking of projects and getting in from the garage at midnight. Hopefully I will get this side project done soon so I can get some shut eye. This one may be the death of me... Wish me luck.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Top secret projects. . . don't do that to us! Spill it.

Brando said...

When I had wanted to do the "top secret project" The sanswer was NO WAY, but let someone at your work mention it and "SHAZAM" it's under way!

8:46 AM