Yep. It happened. One of our own has passed. He was a good fish. Swimming, eating, pooping. He (as if I know how to sex fish) was a nice fishy, never back talking and always willing to lend an extra fin to aid in my relaxation. Yesterday I walked up to the super secret project pond and was shocked by the horror of seeing little Nemo floating. (sniff sniff) I am still greiveing. Please excuse the tear stains on the screen. Poor little Nemo. Here is a little ditty I wrote for my friend.
Poor little Nemo,
Swimmin in the Pond,
Of that little guy,
I did grow fond.
He was a good fish,
He didnt need a boat,
Usta could swim,
But now hes gotta float.
Too my little pal,
Never did he bitch,
Too lazy to flush him,
So I threw him in the ditch.
Yeah Nemo!
Our condolences to you and yours.
PS: I think you should launch an investigation, this seems a little fishy. Heee. Heee.
Rudy you need mental help. I think you haven't come to terms with the loss. By that poem.....you need some real help.
What loss?
Yeah sorry for your loss, it's funny how we grow fond of our little goldfish. By the way I loved the poem that was pretty good :)
By the way I seen you had no idea on how to sex goldfish so if you want to know more you can go here to learn how :
How To Tell If The Sex of Your Goldfish Is Male Or Female?
Poor little guy may he rest in peace.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Goldfish Care Information
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