A couple of days ago I got a call from Brando and during the call the neighbor rang the door bell and said our dog was attacking one of our chickens. How did this happen? I asked myself. The dog and chickens where put up in there coop and pin. Somehow the dog got out of his pin and the chicken had been out for a couple of days.
Normally when I let the chickens out they will roost back in the house after dark. Some how one didn't go back in the pin and I miss counted when I did a head count that time or it got wedged behind a piece of playground equipment and couldn't get home. Brando went out and put the dog up but the chicken pinned between the equipment and a chain link fence was chewed up pretty bad.
She had stuck there a day or two because she had two eggs in the grass behind her and when I lifted the equipment she walked ever so wobbly toward the rest of the chickens in the pin. While I gathered needed first aid stuff for her injuries, the other chickens came out of their house to inspect the lost chicken and for what they knew a complete stranger. (Chickens are not really smart.)
I caught her and administered first aid to her chewed wing and put her in a pet carrier in the building where it is a bit warmer. Covered the carrier with a warm blanket and gave her fresh food and water. I have been periodically checking on her to see if she is going to pull through and I must say she is eating and drinking which is a very good sign. If I put her in with her fellow bird brains they would probably attack her as a stranger and peck at her open wounds.
This morning she is still hanging on and still seems to be eating and drinking. I think it will be a long road to recovery if she even makes it and then I have to introduce her back to the flock. From reading it is best to introduce a single bird back in the middle of the night. When the others awake they think, Wow she has always been here.
Get well original birdy.
1 comment:
Hang in there chickie!
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