Friday, May 18, 2007


I have been tagged with telling 8 random things about me. Prepared to be bored.

1. I hate beer but drink it around the guys to fit in.

2. I had really bad second thoughts on our second adoption but thank the Lord above that Brando convinced me because I wouldn't trade Yin or Yuri for the world.

3. I loved my wife in the 6th grade, as much as a 6th grader could love someone other than family, and constantly held a flame in my heart throughout all the years we spent apart until we got together after high school. She is the love of my life and always will be.

4. I constantly wonder what other people think about me and I hate being that way.

5. My dad is my hero and role model.

6. I only have nightmares about tornadoes but love to watch them on video.

7. My favorite movie is Aliens.

9. I cant remember numbers and suck at math.

Thanks Hope for tagging me. Pilot, tag your it.

1 comment:

Hope said...
