Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yesterday was the feed put on by a contractor as a thanks for my works business. They had noodles, mashed potatoes, smoked pork chops, seven layer salad, rolls, green beans and desert. It was pretty good.

After we all set around beltching our lunch, they had a drawing for about 10 brown sugar hams that they gave away. If you know me then you know that my luck is crap. I have about a 1 in a 100 chance in a drawing with 10 other people and every ticket but 1 with my name on it. That is just how my luck goes. So when they called my number for a ham I nearly shit a brick. I mean I felt like I had just picked out the million dollar suit case on Lets Make A Deal.

I walked up to claim my million dollar ham and tried to walk back to my fellow co-workers without much ado. I felt like pumping my fist in the air and thrusting my pelvas in the faces of all the pain in the butts around me and screaming YAHOO!! CAN YA FEEL IT? HUH? CAN YA? but I walked quietly to the fridge to put away my brown sugar beauty.

Far being it of me to gloat, I sneaked the ham into my car and took it home. When Brando or someone in the family prepairs it I am sure I will stand over it and watch the whole time. It is because for me, it is my leg shaped lamp. A wonderful prize that I WON I WON I WON! Not like the bowling alley that Shawfenhoffer won over in Terra Haute. Yep you might as well have sent it in the mail with FRAGIELEE (thats french) spray painted on the side of the box. I just hope that it dont get broken while Brando is watering the plants.

Yeah the neighbors might think I am a bit strange having a 7 pound ham wrapped in lights displayed in the front window for all the passer-byers to see but to my friends they all know that is pretty much normal. I mean it is a MAJOR AWARD.


K_Dense73 said...

You're a weiner. Congratulations.

Ramblin73 said...

Congrates Bro. You know the only person that has worse luck than you is me. I'm buying a lottery ticket.